Apr 27, 2026
Kinjarling 2026.
A place to explore the past, the present and the future.
Apr 27, 2026
Kinjarling 2026.
A place to explore the past, the present and the future.
Apr 27, 2026
Kinjarling 2026.
A place to explore the past, the present and the future.
Apr 27, 2026
Kinjarling 2026.
A place to explore the past, the present and the future.
Community Grant Application
Community Grant Application
Community Grant Application
Community Grant Application
Key information
Bicentennial info
Key information
Bicentennial info
Community Grants
Apply now online or download a print friendly version.
Community Grants
Apply now online or download a print friendly version.
Community Grants
Apply now online or download a print friendly version.
Community Grants
Apply now online or download a print friendly version.
The History
In 2026 Albany will host Western Australia’s first Bicentenary.
Albany was the first place where Aboriginal and British people commenced living together on the western side of Australia. Albany became the gateway for the economic and social development of the land that would become known as Western Australia.
The Bicentenary is a once in a lifetime opportunity to tell the story of this place.
The History
In 2026 Albany will host Western Australia’s first Bicentenary.
Albany was the first place where Aboriginal and British people commenced living together on the western side of Australia. Albany became the gateway for the economic and social development of the land that would become known as Western Australia.
The Bicentenary is a once in a lifetime opportunity to tell the story of this place.
Coming soon
Flagship events (coming soon)
Flagship events (coming soon)
Coming soon
Flagship events (coming soon)
Anwers to your questions
Anwers to your questions
What is Albany 2026?
When will Albany 2026 take place?
What is the Vision and Mission of Albany 2026?
How was the Vision and Mission for Albany 2026 formed?
Who are the Menang Noongar people?
What does the “Albany Approach: Menang First” mean?
What is Albany 2026?
When will Albany 2026 take place?
What is the Vision and Mission of Albany 2026?
How was the Vision and Mission for Albany 2026 formed?
Who are the Menang Noongar people?
What does the “Albany Approach: Menang First” mean?
What is Albany 2026?
When will Albany 2026 take place?
What is the Vision and Mission of Albany 2026?
How was the Vision and Mission for Albany 2026 formed?
Who are the Menang Noongar people?
What does the “Albany Approach: Menang First” mean?
What is Albany 2026?
When will Albany 2026 take place?
What is the Vision and Mission of Albany 2026?
How was the Vision and Mission for Albany 2026 formed?
Who are the Menang Noongar people?
What does the “Albany Approach: Menang First” mean?
Find out more
Find out more
Amazing Albany
Amazing Albany
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